Cathlyn Momohara-Ho, Vice-President


Cathlyn Momohara-Ho studied flute with Jean Harling in her teens and at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa with Sabrina Saiki-Mita. She has been the music teacher at Wilson Elementary School since 2015 and graduated with her Masters of Arts in Music Education in 2019. Her academic interests include constructivist based approaches, students’ self-efficacy, and motivation. She co-wrote an article about multicultural education which was published in the 2017 Summer Issue of Orff-Echo. She has also co-presented educational conferences including Little Kids Rock (July 2020) and NAfME NAfME National Music Research and Teacher Education Conference (Feb. 2021). Cathlyn attended the NFA Convention in 2009 and the AOSA Professional Development Conference in 2015. She completed two levels of Orff-Shulwerk, one level of Kodaly training, and participated in Dalcroze training. She currently serves on the board with the Hawaii Music Educators Association in addition to the Hawaii Flute Society.